We are a Reconciling congregation - we believe that God has made all of us good and called us each beloved. We welcome our lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and straight siblings, as well as those of us who are still figuring things out. We rejoice at our cis- and trans- siblings being able to worship and be in community together. We believe Black Lives Matter - to God, and to us. Though most of our members are white, we work to live out our commitments to justice by continuing the work of Jesus and following his example. God has set the table and opened it to all people - all races, all ethnicities, all abilities, all economic situations, all relationship, all ages, all ways of experiencing the world, and we invite you to come experience what happens when that's the starting point for our life together.
- Sat, Feb 15Location is TBDA support group for those caring for aging parents. RSVP for the meeting location.
- Sun, Feb 23Northbrook UMCWhether you want to sing or enjoy the music, all ages are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon. Remember talent is optional, enthusiasm required!